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Barcelona was penalized for purportedly racist fan conduct; the La Liga powerhouses received an £8,000 fine and an admission ban.

Barcelona was penalized for purportedly racist fan conduct; the La Liga powerhouses received an...

Barcelona was penalized for purportedly racist fan conduct; the La Liga powerhouses received an £8,000 fine and an admission ban. Barcelona supporters have been charged...
Why the GOP might lose the House as a result of Trump's lies about election fraud

Why the GOP might lose the House as a result of Trump’s lies about...

Why the GOP might lose the House as a result of Trump's lies about election fraud which is unfounded in any meaningful way. The...

Japanese Media Says Indonesian National Team is Similar to China, Mentions the Gap in...

Japanese Media Says Japanese Media Says, Nikkan Sports, equates the Indonesian National Team with the Chinese National Team. Not only that, they also mentioned the...

Eight of the most unique little hotel rooms in the world

Eight of the most unique little hotel rooms in the world For a younger traveler base, capsule hotels have taken on novel forms, such as...
This airport landing is really difficult. There are just 50 qualified pilots for it.

This airport landing is really difficult. There are just 50 qualified pilots for it.

This airport landing is really difficult. There are just 50 qualified pilots for it. A Buddha is present in the cockpit. As the pilot quickly...